Whole Wheat Ginger Blueberry Pancakes
Next to being able to sleep in, one of my favourite things about the weekend is having the time to make a good breakfast. During my 6 am weekdays I constantly rely on either a bowl of cereal, the odd piece of toast or my easy yogurt overnight oats if I’m smart and plan ahead the night before. But on the weekends, as long as our mornings are free, I’m in complete breakfast bliss.
The Sunday morning I made these whole wheat ginger blueberry pancakes started off blissful even if the day was cloudy, grey and so,ooo very cold. Side note: I can’t believe last week I was gloating about sunshine and melting snow. Serves me right I guess. As long as it doesn’t snow again though, I think we’re still in the clear. The only white fluff I want to see from this moment on is a generous spoonful of coconut whipped cream on my stack of weekend breakfast pancakes. Or clouds. Fluffy clouds are pretty too.
This pancake recipe is simple to throw together and is pretty self-explanatory. You can even use one bowl if you’re going for minimal clean-up. However, if the idea of using fresh ginger seems intimidating, I can assure you that the pancakes themselves will not be spicy. Think of it as a hint of flavour to compliment the sweetness of the blueberries.
It’s also worth noting that ground ginger tends to be spicer than it’s fresher equivalent. I used fresh ginger for these pancakes and if you don’t have any on hand, you can substitute 1/4 teaspoon of the ground stuff. A little bit goes a long way when you are using ground ginger.
You also may notice in the above photo that my ginger root has little ice crystals all around in. We go through a lot of fresh ginger and last year I discovered that a great way to keep ginger fresh is to store it in the freezer. Whenever I need some I pull it out, peel and grate what I need and then pop it back in a baggie in the freezer. Frozen ginger is super easy to peel and grate, and I found the savings to be enormous compared to all the ground ginger I used to buy or the fresh ginger that used to go bad in my fridge.

Whole Wheat Ginger Blueberry Pancakes
- 1 cup whole wheat pastry flour
- 1 1/2 tbsp brown sugar
- 1 1/2 tbsp baking powder
- 1 tbsp fresh grated ginger
- 1/2 tsp cinnamon
- Pinch of sea salt
- 2 tbsp vegetable oil
- 2/3 cup of almond milk
- 1/2 cup fresh or frozen blueberries
- In a medium bowl, whisk together whole wheat pastry flour, brown sugar, baking powder, grated ginger, cinnamon and sea salt.
- Measure your almond milk in a small measuring cup and add vegetable oil. Make a well in the floured mixture and add the wet mixture. Stir until just combined and gently fold in blueberries.
- Preheat your pan or skillet to medium heat. Apply butter or non-stick cooking spray if required.
- Ladle out 1/4 to 1/3 cups of batter onto the heated pan and flip when the pancakes have bubbles on the surface. Cook until the other side is light brown.
- Remove from heat and serve immediately with your choice of toppings. I recommend coconut whipped cream (or real whipped cream), blueberries and more grated ginger.