Brain Cupcakes (with Raspberry Filling!)
I had a couple of outside influences when it came to making these brain cupcakes. One is that it is now thisclose to Halloween, although if you were to go the holiday sections of any store, Halloween began back in September. Another is that it’s Trevor’s favourite unofficial holiday. We always make a list of movies to watch leading up to the 31st, which always includes the Halloween series, Nightmare on Elm Street series and the Scream movies. Those are the ones I’ll sit through. On his own, I’m sure he watches many more. These cupcakes were to get us in the Halloween spirit.
You know, in between all the mini chocolate bars and Tootsie Pops we’re currently consuming.
Although now that I think about it, I recently watched the zombie-themed Glee episode The Sue Sylvester Shuffle. Out of all of season 2, its my favourite episode. Okay, I’ll admit it, that may have a lot to do with this brain cupcake post too.
I was just getting into the Halloween spirit, right Mr. Skeleton?
To try something new this year, Trevor and I visited the Powerhouse of Terror in the GTA. It’s this awesome 3-part haunted maze that is held at an old psychiatric centre and the money raised is for the PACT Urban Peace Program, which helps at-risk youth. The best maze was Quarantine – Zombie Apocalypse, which terrified me to pieces. Later on this weekend, we also plan on going to the theater for Rocky Horror Picture Show with some friends.
But back to the cupcakes, shall we?
I used a basic yellow cake mix and canned icing for convenience. And by convenience, I mean I couldn’t be bothered at the moment to pick up more flour and powdered sugar, which I’m currently out of. Hey, those Halloween movies won’t watch themselves, you know.
The glorious inside is homemade raspberry jam that my Grandma made and lovingly dropped off when she came to visit earlier this month. I’m currently squirreling away about 5 jars of this stuff for winter.
To swirl the brain pattern on the cupcakes, I just followed some pictures I found on Flickr and tried to imitate their perfection. I tinted the frosting a pink-ish hue to make it look more brain-like, although next time I may add a little powdered sugar to thicken the icing. You know, when I have more in my cupboard.

Brain Cupcakes
- 1 box yellow cake mix
- 1 container of white frosting
- Pink food colouring (optional)
- Raspberry, or any other kind of red jam or jelly
- Prepare the cake mix as it states on the box, adding the necessary extra ingredients and bake for allotted time. Cool completely on a wired rack.
- Cut out a round circle out of the top of the cupcake and fill in the remaining hole with your desired jam or jelly. Place the rounded circle you cut out back on the filled cupcake hole. Don’t worry if you overfill it too much that the circle doesn’t fit back on, the icing will hide everything.
- For adding the icing, I recommend to first draw two straight lines done the middle. This will be your dividing line and then you can add the appropriate swirls. Don’t worry if it’s not perfect. Worry slightly if your icing starts to melt due to a combination of your warm apartment and bright lights. If this happens, eat the ugly ones right away.
Happy Halloween everyone!
Those are some tasty looking brains! I’m also a firm believer in eating all those “ugly ones” quickly, lol! I call it quality control!